Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Good Morning

Hello Everyone! 

I haven't posted pictures for a long time! I was pretty busy with school, work, etc... Well, my sisters were visiting and we had a ton of the delicious food that I should show on this blog. 
I'll organize those pictures and post them soon! 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Smoked Albacore with Brown rice and Broccoli

Last night, I got bunch of smoked albacore for some reason, so I made a home-made breakfast for mixi. 
Mixi frequently tends to be constipated even though she drinks water a lot, and I always try to feed her a food, which contains lots of mineral, like brown rice. It aids with her digestion. 
At this time, brown rice was mixed with smoked albacore to make her food more tasty, and broccoli helps her in digesting as well. Plus, adding broccoli also visually helps the food :) 

Some dogs have an allergy, so take a look at the nutrition of their dog food. Mixi usually eats a dry dog food which mainly consists of brown rice and lamb. So she is ok with rice or meat.(fish too) 

I also think that cats love this food, especially a part of albacore. 

try to make it and feed them :) they will be so happy to have a human edible food. 


Serving for one meal(17lbs dog) 

20g smoked albacore 
20g brown rice
1 chinese broccoli(regular broccoli is also fine) 

1) Chop smoked albacore 
2) mix with brown rice and 1) 
3) put broccoli into the bowl

Dogs will be crazy for it. :) 

My Little Cutie

Hi everyone, 

This is my little cutie, Mixi.  She is 3-year old and mix of miniature dachshund, pincher, and maybe chihuahua. (I'm not sure what the breed she is.. she is a rescued dog.) 

She loves eating food like her mom(seriously, she's ALWAYS looking for food like 24/7), and hangs out around the kitchen. 

I actually made a home-made dog food for her in this morning, "Smoked Albacore with Brown Rice and Broccoli".  It will be posted soon. 

Enjoy this video!
